One of our founding Ethics is People Care and Lonliness is something that can happen to anyone at anytime. We’ve been encouraging our team to reach out to their networks and promote this great initiative:
I attended a meeting yesterday, connecting with a great charity here in Norfolk called CAN Connect: who’s goal is to match volunteers with people affected by lonliness. We had a great time introducing ourselves to eachother but sadly the quizz simply highlighted how much I need to improve my general knowledge skills (e.g. a Zonkey really is a cross between a donkey and a zebra!).
So please get involved this week and see if your organisation can help raise money or awareness, or simply encourage your team to perfom some random acts of kindness.
And there’s probably a charity in your area which focuses on lonliness and works with your local authority to signpost those in need. Why not see if you can help?